Building self esteem can change your life in so many ways

Lack of self belief and confidence blocks abundance and happiness and very often leads to frustration, resentment, procrastination, ‘comparisonitis’, jealousy, and lack of motivation. All of these negative feelings towards yourself (low self esteem) and others keeps you stuck in a loop of negative unhelpful thoughts and feelings that prevent you from having all you …

F.L.Y (First Love Yourself)

When you have self-love you are your own best friend and not your own worst critic. You take good care of yourself, you are confident and comfortable with who you are. You praise yourself, you forgive yourself, you appreciate yourself more and you appreciate your life so much more. You no longer compare yourself against …

Anxiety starts in the mind as a thought

To begin to understand anxiety it is important to understand why it happens and what is actually happening physically within your body. Anxiety or worry is the body’s way of helping, from getting ready to FREEZE, FLEE, FLIGHT or FIGHT a “bear” or some real danger. In response to this the autonomic nervous system produces …

Harnessing the Magic of Six-Six Breathing

In our crazy, fast-paced lives, it’s crucial to find simple yet effective ways to manage stress and enhance our well-being. That’s where the amazing technique of six-six breathing comes in! Rooted in ancient practices like yoga and meditation, this rhythmic breathing exercise has gained immense popularity for its remarkable benefits for both the mind and …